All Weather Tires Shop in St. Thomas, ON
If you’re looking for the best all-weather truck tires, passenger car tires, SUV tires, and more, Gurr Auto has the tires you need in St. Thomas, Ontario. We have a wide range of all-weather tires for many different vehicles. But how effective are all-weather tires in all weather conditions?

Are all-weather tires good for all four seasons?
All-weather tires are quite impressive innovations. They’re tires that can handle four distinct seasons. If you want to drive on all-weather truck tires, sedan tires, SUV tires, etc., in spring, summer, autumn, and yes, even winter, please do.
How are all-weather tires engineered?
To be able to perform well in all weather conditions, all-weathers involve a few sacrifices. These tires lack some of the qualities that summer and winter tires have because they’re not specifically designed for any single weather condition.
While all-weathers might not be the perfect tires for individual weather conditions, these tires are never a bad option. Drivers can depend on all-weather tires to provide the high levels of performance they deserve. With these tires, you can expect to always get reasonable handling and stopping power.
Are all-weathers the same as all-seasons?
No, they are not. As many as 49% of Canadian drivers try to drive on all-season tires throughout the winter. In St. Thomas, this is probably not a good idea. All-weather and winter tires deal with packed snow and ice better than all-seasons. There’s an even more important reason all-weathers are better than all-seasons in winter, though: the cold.
All-seasons can handle light snow pretty well, but this type of tire struggles in cold temperatures, and even cool temperatures. A temperature as mild as 7°C can hinder all-season tires. At this temperature, the rubber compounds in all-seasons begin to stiffen, and this can cause longer braking distances.
Winters and all-weathers have the Transport Canada pictograph of mountain peaks and snowflakes. This logo means they pass the test as a snow/winter tire. It’s always wise to switch to all-weathers or winter tires every November.
In terms of comparing winters to all-weathers, they’re effectively equal for most drivers. If you spend a lot of time driving on rural roads, especially gravel or dirt roads, you may prefer winter tires to all-weathers. Many drivers are happy with all-weathers, though.
How do all-weather and summer tires compare?
At Gurr Auto, we also have a variety of summer tires available. All-weather tires are perfectly safe to use in summer, so, don’t feel pressured into switching to summers every June if you don’t want to.
Summer tires are engineered to provide expert handling and edging on hot pavement. If you seek to get the absolute optimal performance out of your automobile, then summer tires are worth looking at. Otherwise, all-weathers for summer are just fine.
Gurr Auto has the best all-weather tires in St. Thomas Canada.
If you’re in the St. Thomas area and want all-weather SUV tires, all-weather truck tires, all-weather car tires, or any other type of tire, come to Gurr Auto.
To make a reservation to have all-weather tires installed on your vehicle, please click here. To learn more about the many different tires and products we have for sale, or about the many different services we provide, please contact us via our website or call us at 519-637-9861.